Jython 2.5 Beta1 发布 - Python的Java实现

要了解Jython,首先要了解Python.Python是用C编写的高级的、面向对象的、开放源代码的编程语言.Cuido vanRossum是Python的原创者,继而在Python的快速发展中产生了一大群高水平的设计者和程序员.使用Python的开发人员增长迅速, 并一直在持续增长.然而Sun的Java编程语言也是深人人心的.随着用Java实现的项目的数量接近了用C/C++实现的项目,Python的Java 实现也变得很有必要.Jython,最初叫做JPython,就是:Python语言的Java实现.
On behalf of the Jython development team, I'm pleased to announce that
Jython 2.5b1 is available for download:
See the installation instructions here:
Jython 2.5 Beta1 continues a code cooling period where the number of
new features should significantly slow as we concentrate on
solidifying Jython 2.5 for an eventual release.  I would guess that we
will put out about two more betas before we start pushing out release
candidates, hopefully in February.
This is a beta release so be careful.