

不知道为什么, shell 编程不被认为是编程, 而认为是写命令集或者批处理这样的简单应用. 希望看到这个版面活跃起来.      
老哥,本人对shell编程不太熟悉,勉强开了两个置顶,希望这个版面能活跃起来,本来学linux就里不开shell,而使用shell又离不开 shell编程,大家千万不要怕困难而本末倒置啊!!!如果大家多看看置顶的东西,就知道shell编程历史悠久和有实用性啊!!!      
dsj兄, 我也是为 shell 鸣不平啊.

shell 属于脚本编程, 而脚本编程正在热起来, 很有前途啊. 我去年在网络上找了一下, 找到一个很好的东西: CH 语言------这是一个 C++ 语言, 同时也是一个 shell. 非常难得! CH 对于学生是免费的,但是他不是开放源码的.

CH 的弱点是, 作为 shell , 它的功能还不强.但是他的确是一个 shell, 一个跨平台的 shell, 在 linux/windows 都可以用.      

非常有特色的语言!但是,我目前对他不感兴趣了。原因是上面所说的两个缺陷――不开源,以及 shell 功能不强。我很看重 shell ,所以,这不是一个很实用的 shell,只不过是一个非常棒的 C++ 语言,再加上别的非常棒的新特性而已。




最近看到 CH 的消息,说 CH 的标准版 for Unix, Linux and Mac 对于商业以及个人用途都免费了。是个好消息。

Ch 3.5 Released (Ch Standard Edition for Unix, Linux and Mac is now FREE for commercial and personal use)

Ch 3.5 continues SoftIntegration's leadership in cross-platform
scripting, 2D/3D graphical plotting and numerical computing. Major
product enhancements include command line editing in Ch shell and
more advanced scripting features for shell programming and
numerical computing.

* C/C++ interpreter

Ch supports 1990 ISO C Standard (C90), major features in C99, classes
in C++. Ch also supports many Industry standard and third party
software packages with over 8,000 functions including POSIX, X11/Motif,
OpenGL, ODBC, GTK+, Win32, CGI, socket/Winsock, Intel OpenCV and
National Instrument's Data Acquisition toolkit NI-DAQ.

Ch is also a very effective interactive environment for teaching and
learning programming in C/C++ with new features in the latest C99 standard.

* Shell programming and cross-platform scripting

Ch shell is C compatible shell while C-shell (csh) is a C like shell.
Ch is an interpretive implementation of C, similar to Unix/MS-DOS shells.
Ch can also be used as a login shell just like sh, csh and ksh. Ch
bridges the gap between the C language and shell languages. With its
built-in string type and many enhanced scripting features, Ch is an
alternative to other scripting languages for automating repetitive tasks,
regression test, and hardware testing.

* 2D/3D plotting and numerical computing

Ch supports 2D/3D graphical plotting, C LAPACK, high level numeric
functions. Ch has built-in 2D/3D plotting support, generic mathematic
functions and computational arrays for linear algebra and matrix
computations, and advanced high-level numerical functions for linear
systems, differential equation solving, integration, non-linear equations,
Fourier analysis, curve fitting, etc.

For example, linear system equation b = A*x can be written verbatim in Ch.  

With SoftIntegration graphical library (SIGL), the same program using 2D/3D
plotting features can be executed in Ch or compiled using C++ compilers
without any modification.

* Embeddable scripting

Ch 3.5 is optimized for embedded scripting. Embedded Ch allows users to
embed or plugin Ch into other C/C++ application programs and hardware. It
is ideal for open-architecture application integration. With Embedded Ch,
C/C++ applications can be extended with all features of Ch. Embedded Ch
has a small footprint. The pointer and time deterministic nature of the
C language provides a perfect interface with hardware in real-time systems.

* Pricing and Availability

Ch for Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X and HP-UX is available. Ch
Standard Edition version 3.5 for Unix, Linux and Mac OS X is now free for
personal, academic and commercial use. Ch Standard Edition 3.5 for Windows
costs $99. Ch Professional Edition costs $999. The academic and volume
discount are available.

上面提到,CH 的 shell 功能也增强了。有兴趣者可以去看看。
我刚刚买了一本厚厚的 Linux/Unix Shell 编程教程,已经看了三分之一了,感觉shell确实蕴涵了许多东西,并不是简单的批处理.