一个用户管理的generator ----Auth_generator

一个用户管理的generator ----Auth_generator

Auth_generator is a GPL authentification generator for php?name=rails" onclick="tagshow(event)" class="t_tag">rails. It includes specific features like being able to display user information on static pages through a javascript trick or an Ajax call, an admin interface, or an easy way to handle users per php?name=group" onclick="tagshow(event)" class="t_tag">group. It focuses on performance.
This generator is currently used on website with a high number of users and hits and is efficient for the user, as for the administrator. It will offer you an admin interface to handle your users and their roles.

Video Demonstration (ps: 一个视频教程的介绍)
The following video briefly shows how you can use auth_generator to protect your rails website. Within less than 20 minutes, you'll have your website with articles, but protected to specifics users. You will see how to use caches_page to have a static website to avoid the slashdot effect, but still display account information. The video has been done with version 1.0.0 (things look better now :), since then methods have been renamed, see the FAQ if you need.

•   Email confirmation
•   Store crypted password (MD5, SHA1, or one salt per account)
•   Ajax use if you wish
•   Display user information on static pages
•   No database access at all except when login in
•   No server sessions at all
•   Support for icons like flickr, or gravatar
•   Admin interface
•   Theme support for the admin interface, and the user interface (new!)
•   All the basic pages for the users (forgot password, resend the confirmation, create a new account, etc)
•   Apache module to serve static pages (not publicly available)

##   Nikos
## nikos@live.com
2、在下载文件存放目录运行gem install <file>
3、在demo下运行ruby script/generate auth auth authadmin
  ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp
  ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = {
  :address => "smtp.163.com",  #这里写smtp服务器地址
  :port => 25,
  :domain => "163.com",     #邮件域名
  :authentication => :login,   #login方式
  :user_name => "NAME_HERE",
  :password => "PASS_HERE"
 ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true
 adapter: mysql
 database: demo
 username: root
 host: localhost
恩,本来是这么写的,后来发现后面翻译成 用户管理了,就改过来了
这个论坛的版本,怎么不允许改帖子啊??说 60分钟后就不能改了 ??