

Devel-Refactor-0.05 -- Perl extension for refactoring Perl code.
POE-Loop-Epoll-0.01 -- a bridge that supports epoll from POE
ttylog-0.83 -- Log tty sessions
Cache-Cache-1.04 -- the Cache interface.
Math-Random-Brownian-0.03 -- Perl module for generating Fractional Brownian and Gaussian Noise
Win32-Process-Info-1.005 -- Provide process information for Windows 32 systems.
Catalyst-Plugin-Static-0.04 -- Serve static files with Catalyst
PDF-API2-0.40.98 -- A Perl Module Chain to faciliate the Creation and Modification of High-Quality "Portable Document Format (aka. PDF)" Files.
Test-Plan-0.01 -- add some intelligence to your test plan
Curses-1.12 -- terminal screen handling and optimization
Rose-DB-Object-0.021 -- Object representation of a single row in a database table.
WWW-Mechanize-Frames-0.03 -- Perl extension for WWW:Mechanize allowing automatic frames download.
Rose-DB-Object-0.02 -- Object representation of a single row in a database table.
SWF-File-0.39 -- Create SWF file.
Bio-GMOD-0.022 -- Unified API across Model Organism Databases
Email-Store-Language-0.02 -- Add language identification to emails and lists
WWW-OpenSearch-0.01 -- Search A9 OpenSearch compatible engines
Apache-PrettyPerl-2.10 -- Apache mod_perl PerlHandler for nicer output perl files in the client's browser.
Class-DBI-SQLite-0.08 -- Extension to Class::DBI for sqlite
PHP-0.06 -- embedded PHP interpreter
Apache-VimColor-2.10 -- Apache mod_perl Handler for syntax highlighting in HTML.
Distributed-Process-0.05 -- a framework for running a process simultaneously on several machines.

PHP-0.06 -- em...
PHP-0.06 -- embedded PHP interpreter



3 月 18的
18th March 2005

Smil-0.898 -- Perl extension for dynamic generation of SMIL files.
Yahoo-Search-1.2.5 -- Perl interface to the Yahoo! Search public API.
Catalyst-Helper-Ajax-0.01 -- Helper for Ajax
Catalyst-4.27 -- The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework
Rose-DB-Object-0.022 -- Object representation of a single row in a database table.
File-Format-RIFF-0.02 -- Resource Interchange File Format/RIFF files
HTML-ReportWriter-1.1.1 -- Simple OO interface to generate pageable, sortable HTML tabular reports
Test-Strict-0.02 -- Check syntax, presence of use strict; and test coverage
ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.25_12 -- Create a module Makefile
CPAN-Dependency-0.06 -- Analyzes CPAN modules and generates their dependency tree
Net-MarkLogic-XDBC-0.11 -- XDBC connectivity for MarkLogic CIS servers.
Math-FitRect-0.02 -- Resize one rect in to another while preserving aspect ratio.
HTML-WikiConverter-0.21 -- An HTML to wiki markup converter
File-MimeInfo-0.11 -- Determine file type
Apache-VMonitor-2.03 -- Visual System and Apache Server Monitor
Apache-Scoreboard-2.06 -- Perl interface to the Apache scoreboard structure
Apache-Scoreboard-0.15 -- Perl interface to the Apache scoreboard structure
List-MapList-1.12 -- map lists through a list of subs, not just one
Data-Fax-0.02 -- Perl extension for setting up DataFAX object.
Math-FitRect-0.01 -- Resize one rect in to another while preserving aspect ratio.
Petal-2.16 -- Perl Template Attribute Language - TAL for Perl!
Module-Pluggable-2.8 -- automatically give your module the ability to have plugins
Test-Plan-0.02 -- add some intelligence to your test plan
Image-ANSI-0.03 -- Load, create, manipulate and save ANSI files
Class-DBI-Plugin-Connection-0.02 -- apply for Apache::DBI in mod_perl environment
Class-DBI-Plugin-Connection-0.01 -- apply for Apache::DBI in mod_perl environment
Linux-Fuser-1.3 -- Determine which processes have a file open
Test-Inline-2.00_01 -- Inlining your tests next to the code being tested

都非常不错,其中 catalyst 用到了 HTTP-Server-Simple ,有点像 instiki 集成 webtrick 那样,可以直接起 http 服务。用起来很方便。
11th April 2005

* Scope-Guard-0.02 -- lexically scoped resource management
* Goto-Cached-0.01 -- an amortized O(1) drop-in replacement for Perl's O(n) goto
* autobox-1.00 -- use builtin datatypes as first-class objects
* Scope-Guard-0.01 -- lexically scoped resource management
* Template-Multilingual-0.02 -- Multilingual templates for Template Toolkit
* Gtk2-MozEmbed-0.04 -- Perl interface to the Mozilla embedding widget
* Gtk2-1.081 -- Perl interface to the 2.x series of the Gimp Toolkit library
* Gnome2-VFS-1.021 -- Perl interface to the 2.x series of the GNOME VFS library
* Glib-1.081 -- Perl wrappers for the GLib utility and Object libraries
* Regexp-Assemble-0.13 -- Assemble multiple Regular Expressions into one RE
* File-MergeSort-1.12 -- Mergesort ordered files.
* Log-Dispatch-Email-EmailSend-0.01 -- Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that uses Email::Send
* Linux-DVB-0.3 -- interface to (some parts of) the Linux DVB API
* Parse-BACKPAN-Packages-0.29 -- Provide an index of BACKPAN
* CPAN-WWW-Testers-0.25 -- Present CPAN Testers data
* Time-TAI64-2.05 -- Perl extension for converting TAI64 strings into standard unix timestamps.
* String-Ediff-0.06 -- Produce common sub-string indices for two strings
* I18N-AcceptLanguage-1.04 -- Matches language preference to available languages
* Tree-Parser-0.10 -- Module to parse formatted files into tree structures
* Config-Cascade-0.02 -- simple configuration file framework for managing multi-level configurations, with regexp validation.
* Tree-Simple-SAX-0.01 -- A set of classes for using Tree::Simple with XML
* ExtUtils-MakeMaker-Coverage-0.04 -- add a Makefile target to determine test coverage using Devel::Cover
* ExtUtils-MakeMaker-Coverage-0.03 -- add a Makefile target to determine test coverage using Devel::Cover
* PHP-Functions-Mail-0.04 -- Transplant of mail function of PHP
* Geo-Shapelib-0.15 -- Perl extension for reading and writing shapefiles as defined by ESRI(r)
* SVN-RaWeb-Light-0.3.3_00 -- Lightweight and Fast Browser for a URLed Subversion repository similar to the default Subversion http:// hosting.
* Posy-0.94 -- a website generator inspired by blosxom
* PHP-Functions-Mail-0.03 -- Transplant of mail function of PHP
* POE-Component-IRC-4.1 -- a fully event-driven IRC client module.
* Mozilla-DOM-0.09 -- Perl wrapping of the Mozilla/Gecko DOM
* SVN-RaWeb-Light-0.3.2_00 -- Lightweight and Fast Browser for a URLed Subversion repository similar to the default Subversion http:// hosting.
* Geo-Shapelib-0.14 -- Perl extension for reading and writing shapefiles as defined by ESRI(r)
* Tree-R-0.02 -- Perl extension for the Rtree data structure and algorithms
* Genezzo-0.39
* Tree-R-0.01 -- Perl extension for the Rtree data structure and algorithms