已经解决 求jpgrap的问题解决方法

已经解决 求jpgrap的问题解决方法

按照版主的 “LAMP攻略: LAMP环境搭建,Linux下Apache,MySQL,PHP安装与配置” 和 “LAMP攻略: 重新编译PHP安装扩展,GD库安装与配置 ”的方法配置好了服务器,但是现在安装好gd后还是不能应用jpgrap。出现以下错误,请各位老大帮忙解决一下

JpGraph Error:
there is either a configration problem with TrueType or a problem reading font file ."/usr/share/fonts/zh_cn/simhei.ttf" Mask sure file exists and is in a readable place for the http process.If  'basedir' restriction is enabled in php then the font file must be located in the document root. it might also be a wrongly installed freetype library. try upgrading to at least freetype 2.1.13 and recompile GD with the correct setup so it can find the new ft library.

我已经把simhei.ttf字体拷贝到了对应的文件夹下,并且已经把/usr/share/fonts/zh_cn/的文件夹和simhei.ttf权限都设置成了777 ,jpgrap还是无法显示出图形!!

[ 本帖最后由 xcount 于 2009-12-22 12:10 编辑 ]