
ID SectionID StageID  FinishTime
1  1     1     2011-6-14
2  1     5     2011-6-16
3  1     3     2011-6-18
4  2     1     2011-6-13
5  2     2     2011-6-14
6  2     3     2011-6-15
7  1     4     2011-6-19
8  2     4     2011-6-17

ID SectionID StageID  FinishTime
7  1     4     2011-6-19
8  2     4     2011-6-17

即取完成时间最大的记录,并获取其对应的ID, StageID



作者: bimyboy   发布时间: 2011-06-14

SQL code

select t1.*
from 表A t1
where not exists(select 1 from 表A t2 where t1.SectionID=t2.SectionID and t1.FinishTime<t2.FinishTime)

作者: X_0   发布时间: 2011-06-14

SQL code

declare @表A table 
(ID int,SectionID int,StageID int,FinishTime datetime)
insert into @表A
select 1,1,1,'2011-6-14' union all
select 2,1,5,'2011-6-16' union all
select 3,1,3,'2011-6-18' union all
select 4,2,1,'2011-6-13' union all
select 5,2,2,'2011-6-14' union all
select 6,2,3,'2011-6-15' union all
select 7,1,4,'2011-6-19' union all
select 8,2,4,'2011-6-17'

select ID,SectionID ,StageID,FinishTime=
convert(varchar(10),FinishTime,120) from @表A  a where FinishTime=
(select max(FinishTime) from @表A where SectionID=a.SectionID)
order by ID
ID          SectionID   StageID     FinishTime
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------
7           1           4           2011-06-19
8           2           4           2011-06-17

作者: maco_wang   发布时间: 2011-06-14

SQL code
create table tb(ID int,SectionID int,StageID int,FinishTime datetime)
insert into tb select 1,1,1,'2011-6-14'
insert into tb select 2,1,5,'2011-6-16'
insert into tb select 3,1,3,'2011-6-18'
insert into tb select 4,2,1,'2011-6-13'
insert into tb select 5,2,2,'2011-6-14'
insert into tb select 6,2,3,'2011-6-15'
insert into tb select 7,1,4,'2011-6-19'
insert into tb select 8,2,4,'2011-6-17'
select * from tb a where not exists(select 1 from tb where SectionID=a.SectionID and FinishTime>a.FinishTime)
drop table tb
ID          SectionID   StageID     FinishTime
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------------------
7           1           4           2011-06-19 00:00:00.000
8           2           4           2011-06-17 00:00:00.000

(2 行受影响)


作者: qianjin036a   发布时间: 2011-06-14

SQL code

select * 
from tb t 
where not exists(select 1 from tb where SectionID = t.SectionID and FinishTime > t.FinishTime)

作者: AcHerat   发布时间: 2011-06-14

SQL code
 tb t 
 FinishTime =(select max(FinishTime ) from tb where SectionID = t.SectionID)

作者: fredrickhu   发布时间: 2011-06-14