SQL2005引用复制技术 删除之前订阅 再新建订阅 老报以下错误 请问各位大侠怎么处理 ?急急!!!

sql server could not create a subscription for subscriber 'shop-06\sqlexpress'

additional information:
 an exception occurred while a transact-sql statement or batch.
publication 'pos_erp_merge' cannot be subscribed to by subscriber database at
transaction level.
parameter2 is incorrect for this DBCC statement.
cannot insert the value null into column 'name',table 'msdb.dbo.sysjobs';
column does no allow nulls .insert fails
changed database context to 'ERP'
the statement has been terminated(microsoft sql server,Error:21280)

作者: builderwfy   发布时间: 2011-06-12


作者: qianjin036a   发布时间: 2011-06-12


作者: huangshijie4520   发布时间: 2011-06-12