文件测试操作if (-w -r $file)

  1. #!/usr/local/bin/perl
  2. chomp($file=<STDIN>);
  3. if (-r $file and -W _)
  4. {
  5. print "$file is both read and write\n";
  6. }

  7. if (-w -r $file)
  8. {
  9. print "$file is both read and write (new)\n";
  10. }

  11. use 5.010;
  12. if (-w -r $file)
  13. {
  14. print "$file is both read and write (new1)\n";
  15. }
[root@centosst perl]# ./197-3  
/etc/fstab is both read and write
/etc/fstab is both read and write (new)
/etc/fstab is both read and write (new1)

  我发现好像不加use 5.010;也可以啊,但是小骆驼说是5.010的新特性啊。谁知道怎么回事?

作者: linuxboy823   发布时间: 2011-06-09

你没试试不加 use 5.010; 也可以用 ~~ ?加上 feature 这个 pragma 是为了怕和老代码冲突,而 operator 根本不可能冲突,因为以前是语法错误

作者: zhlong8   发布时间: 2011-06-09